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- Oruga

Oruga is a fermented product made from herbs, botanical extracts & volatile oils. It acts against lepidoptera species.
Oruga working against all life stages of lepidoptera. After entering in the insect body through mouth it damages the cell membrane & moth feels uncomfortable, it starve & die. Oruga paralyse the moths while contacting with fumes & not able to feed result in death. It damages the eggs by forming oily coating on the eggs, so that which distract the respiration as well as hatching also which results in no next generation. Oruga disturb the life cycle of lepidoptera by its multi action. It supresses the sucking insect pressure.
USES : Preventive application are mandatory. It has a contact mode of working so for better efficacy use penetrator & quality spray water. Successive spray with 5 days intervals is mandatory. Use penetrator “Stock” while application Oruga.
Recommendation : Lepidoptera
DOSE : 1 ml / lit